I was going back to my parents' cabin that had sat empty since they passed over ten years ago. Amid the trees with a deck overlooking a small lake. At least that is how I remember it as it was many years since I had been up there.

I set off for the six-hour drive with the sun shining, not a
cloud around. Turning on the radio I settling into a rhythm, keeping the car on
cruise control. Not wanting any speeding tickets to spoil this gorgeous morning.
I felt free and happy for the first time in years.
The last store came into sight. I stopped for a coffee and a
few essentials. The fellow was very friendly and told me his parents had
retired and now he ran it. If I needed help with anything, just ask. He packed my
things in a bag and stuffed in the local paper.

The first view of the cabin brought so many memories of past
years when we would spend our summers here, the deep indigo lake tranquil with not a ripple. Just as my mind had envisioned for the past ten or so years.
Not a sound except birds twittering from the trees. It was as if
their friendly chatter was welcoming me home. I noticed a bird feeder on a tree. It was full of
seed. Very odd. Obviously somebody had been here recently. The woodpile was full and freshly chopped and piled.
Must have been visitors through the spring. We had no other
relatives on either side of the family. Maybe one of Dads old friends? I
pulled the key from my purse and headed towards the front door in much
anticipation. The cabin was clean, almost pristine as I went through to the
two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom.
The place had a lived in look as I opened the kitchen
cupboards, seeing canned food stacked neatly. The icebox was cool and this gave me some
concern. It must be one of Dad’s friends as a few would come up here hunting when
he was alive.
I poured a glass of wine and went onto
the porch, taking the paper with me. Sipping the wine, thinking I
should have gotten ice at the store. I idly flipped through the paper, watching the serene lake view, so blue just like I remembered. It was uncivilized and time had forgotten this corner of the world, until a picture of a man
stood out on a back page, warning people in the area to watch out for
him. He was a suspect in the violent murder of his wife and her sister and had been missing for months.
I wanted to sit to enjoy the scenery but needed to
organize, so headed for the kitchen to put things away, taking the cupboards
that were empty, thinking that my Dad's friends may still show up. In the small
bedroom, there was a sleeping bag on the bed so I picked the other one and
threw my bedding down. The bathroom was another quandary so I emptied out what
was there and found a bag to put it in. Put my own things in the
cabinet. Done, I went back to the kitchen to attend to my growling stomach.
The sun was beginning to set over the lake. Yes, I remembered
the sunsets and the restless feeling left me. I made myself scrambled
eggs over toast. I would get ice tomorrow. Taking my wine and dinner outside, I
sat reminiscing and looking forward to the month ahead. The wine was making me sleepy so I headed inside, locked the door behind me and made up my bed. I fell into a sound sleep quickly from the fresh air and my long day.
I awoke in the darkness with the rattle of something outside my window. Footsteps creeping along with a slight dragging noise. I crept
to the window, listened, not making a sound. Was it an animal? Many different wild creatures roamed these parts
day and night. Something was definitely out
there moving closer. As I was thinking where I had put my gun, I heard a key inserted
in the back door. The noise had been human. I looked around for something else to protect me. Nothing.
The person had something wrong with his foot. I could hear
it slide across the floor as he came closer to the bedroom. The door
squeaked open and there stood the man whose picture I had seen in the paper! With a rifle under his arm. I screamed, knowing nobody would hear me.
Before I knew it he had dragged me into the kitchen and tied me to
a chair. He remained quiet, not answering my frantic questions. Only started opening cans, heating them on the stove. I watched as he
stuffed his mouth with food, not saying a thing to me. He moved his plate to
the sink and washed his dishes, putting them away neatly. He had to be the one living here, not an old friend. How naive I had been.
I tried starting a conversation, apologizing for interrupting his stay and said that I was willing to pack my things and leave. He picked up the paper, saw his picture at my open page and a menacing look came over his face. He said he could not let me go, as I knew who he was. His piercing eyes darkened as they roamed over my body, I knew then he was forming other deadly ideas.
I knew he would not have had contact with women for months. I asked if I could use the bathroom, he first said no, pleading,
he relented saying to leave the door ajar. He untied me, warning me not to try anything and told me to hurry as
he had plans for me. I ran into
the bathroom, locking the door behind me. My hands shaking. My gun was still in my makeup
case. I fumbled with the zipper and heard his footscrape across the wood floor. As the door crashed in I grabbed the gun, letting the safety off, raised it and aimed. With shock on his face,
he started to back up. Glancing at his rifle against the wall.
No one was going to ruin my holiday.
Would I almost suspect that widow lady had some previous experience with that gun?
ReplyDeleteCould be?
DeleteI love how descriptive you are with your writing from beginning to end! Bravo!