Now here I go again, I see crystal vision
I keep my visions to myself
Its only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and ...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell? - Stevie Nicks

I felt tonight I would not have any control on where this one would take me. In my subconscious mind I felt apprehensive, worrisome, and even tried to keep from falling asleep. That is not like me at all. What did this night's dream entail? Remember I never like to analyze my mind wanderings.
I was in a dark place. I could not make out where I was. Nobody seems to be here or close as I could not hear noise of any kind. Then the smell hit my nostrils, it had dampness, mixed with a sour putrid odor. I was in a cave with no source of light, frightened I moved forward holding to the side of what felt cold and slimy.

Ghost like figures emerged, with laughter they scolded the vaporous young spirits. I was at the entrance of the cave and saw sunlight. They all disappeared at once, except one holding back saying they would come play again if I was in need, then it was off catching up to the others that had stopped to wait for this mysterious little spirit.
It turned out to be a good dream and I look forward to meeting my little friends again.
Nice job!