Spring was in the air, the earth had thawed and the snow was
all gone for another year.
I had big plans for a garden and had hired a man part-time
to do general work around the farm. He had ploughed an area for my garden, he
was a retired man from town and knew everything about farming and was willing
to help and teach me whatever he could.
Mike had been a bit stand offish since Tom had arrived on
the farm, but I did not want the Murphys to think they had to help me as they
had a big farm to look after, and I knew they felt compelled to come over and
help. George and Patsy took the school bus daily and she always stopped by
on her way home for a chat. She had grown the last year into a beautiful young
girl inside and out. George had a girlfriend at school and Patsy would tell me
all the gossip on her trips here. Patsy always came shopping on Saturdays to help pick out new fabric for another of my
I had never been as happy and contented this past winter,
learning to do so many new accomplishments. I had taught myself to sew, making
new curtains for all my windows. Finally bought a new mattress, even crafting a comforter for my bed with matching pillows.
I guess it was a way of saying I was here for sometime. I did not miss the city and would lay awake at night looking out at the beautiful stars and loving the quiet peaceful nights, even listening to the wolves and coyotes howling in the distance. A large horned owl had made the old tree near my bedroom window his home and I wished him good hunting by moonlight.
I guess it was a way of saying I was here for sometime. I did not miss the city and would lay awake at night looking out at the beautiful stars and loving the quiet peaceful nights, even listening to the wolves and coyotes howling in the distance. A large horned owl had made the old tree near my bedroom window his home and I wished him good hunting by moonlight.
As planting season arrived Tom brought me all the seeds
that I had listed for planting and he showed me how much space between the rows.
By the end of the day, we sat having a glass of wine proud of ourselves. Now
all I had to do is buy a freezer and canning supplies and I would fill my
larder for the next winter.
With my livestock roaming, mixed in with the Murphys I did
not have to tend to them. I paid them a monthly fee and they supplied me with
meat whenever I needed some. The arrangement suited us all and took much
pressure off me.
I had a cheque for them and decided to walk over. Betty was in the kitchen cooking when I arrived and poured me a coffee. Her kitchen always had tremendous smells throughout. We chatted about what was going on and that is when she told me Frank Junior was being released in a few months. Apparently Frank Senior had gotten the judge to cut his time in jail because of good behavior. More like a bribe Betty thought.
I had a cheque for them and decided to walk over. Betty was in the kitchen cooking when I arrived and poured me a coffee. Her kitchen always had tremendous smells throughout. We chatted about what was going on and that is when she told me Frank Junior was being released in a few months. Apparently Frank Senior had gotten the judge to cut his time in jail because of good behavior. More like a bribe Betty thought.
Did I have to load my gun again?
Mike arrived that night after dark and knocked lightly
calling out it was him. I had just had a bath after working in the garden most
of the day. He had a bottle of wine and asked if I felt like a glass? It was
like old times as we sat on my reconditioned porch, which I had done myself. He told me he had missed these nights and I agreed.
Betty had told him what I had said on my visit about not wanting to be a burden
to their family and why I had hired Tom. That seemed to pacify Mike and he was
back being himself.
He could not get over the change in the house and liked the new look, stood looking at the picture of my relatives. Commented on how happy they looked.
Unexpectedly he asked if I would go to a movie and dinner in town on Saturday night. I joked asking him if he was asking me on a date, his face blushed, nodding. I accepted with a flutter in my stomach. Mike was a handsome man and I was sure many women had him in their scope.
He could not get over the change in the house and liked the new look, stood looking at the picture of my relatives. Commented on how happy they looked.
Unexpectedly he asked if I would go to a movie and dinner in town on Saturday night. I joked asking him if he was asking me on a date, his face blushed, nodding. I accepted with a flutter in my stomach. Mike was a handsome man and I was sure many women had him in their scope.
Saturday finally came and I changed clothes a dozen times
wanting to look good. He arrived freshly shaven with a tan pair of slacks and a
light brown shirt, looking so handsome. Those brown eyes that the whole family
had, looked me over and a smile broke out and we both had a laugh. The night
flew past far too quickly, after a lovely dinner, we decided to walk instead of
going to the movie. The night was bright but cool, the stars out in full as we
walked. I shivered and Mike put his arm around my shoulders. A few people
walked past and we stopped to talk, they seemed surprised that we were in town
together. Patsy had told me that many of the men in town talked that I was one
woman to stay away from as I had shot two men and threatened Frank Senior. I
was one woman to be reckoned with.
I asked Mike in for a nightcap and before I had a chance to
pour, he had me in his arms kissing me saying he had wanted to do that since
the first day he saw me. He enjoyed my new mattress and we had a few hours of
bliss. He said he would not stay the night as he did not want to tarnish my
reputation. I did not sleep soundly this night as Mike kept creeping into my
I awoke to knocking, Patsy had arrived with scones and she wanted to know all about our date. Sunday dinner was at noon and I was invited to join them.
I awoke to knocking, Patsy had arrived with scones and she wanted to know all about our date. Sunday dinner was at noon and I was invited to join them.
When I headed over to the Murphy's home, I knew that a delicious
meal would be waiting. I took Uncles sturdy walking stick as the trail had become
overgrown and needed trimming, I would put that on my to do list for next week.
I had a weird feeling that I was being watched and quickened my step swinging my
stick side to side.
Betty had made a lovely lasagne and berry pies for dessert. Mike wore a grin every time I looked in his direction. When I got up to leave Mike said he would walk back with me, as he wanted to check something in the barn. I laughed thinking he did not know how to lie very well. The family said their goodbyes as we headed off .
Betty had made a lovely lasagne and berry pies for dessert. Mike wore a grin every time I looked in his direction. When I got up to leave Mike said he would walk back with me, as he wanted to check something in the barn. I laughed thinking he did not know how to lie very well. The family said their goodbyes as we headed off .
We were laughing and joking when two men came at us from
behind, Mike was on the ground before he could respond to the attack. I was
knocked face down, a boot on my back, one of the men kept hitting Mike with a piece of wood
until I heard a crack. It was the wood not his head I hoped. My stick lay beside me and I grabbed for it
bringing it around and slamming as hard as I could into the face of the other
Blood gushed out and he was blinded a moment as it ran into his eyes. The other man stopped hitting at Mike and came running at me. Ducking I waited until he was closer and let him have it in his kneecap. He stumbled hitting the ground. I whacked him again as he tried to get up, then went over to the one who was bleeding all over hitting him harder with each blow until he was on the ground as well.
I grabbed Mike’s phone and told his family to get an ambulance, and where we were and to bring rope. Mike was gaining consciousness as they arrived. Mike had lost a lot of blood and they rushed him to the hospital. His brother Jake climbed in with him.
Blood gushed out and he was blinded a moment as it ran into his eyes. The other man stopped hitting at Mike and came running at me. Ducking I waited until he was closer and let him have it in his kneecap. He stumbled hitting the ground. I whacked him again as he tried to get up, then went over to the one who was bleeding all over hitting him harder with each blow until he was on the ground as well.
I grabbed Mike’s phone and told his family to get an ambulance, and where we were and to bring rope. Mike was gaining consciousness as they arrived. Mike had lost a lot of blood and they rushed him to the hospital. His brother Jake climbed in with him.
We had tied the two
men up and told the ambulance driver we would phone the police to come get
them. As we waited, I looked at his brothers, Matt and Greg, and said these two
cannot get away this easily. Picking up my walking stick I started in on the
one with the broken kneecap and broke his other leg and both arms, the other
was crying and saying he was sorry and to please let him leave. That is when
Matt took my stick and smashed his cheekbones, Greg twisted his arms until we
heard them break, neither one would be working for the Willard for some time.
When we arrived at the hospital Betty and Bill were there,
Patsy was crying and George had his arm around her. Mike was in intensive care
and they did not know if there was any brain damage until they operated on
him. It was a long night, we all just sat and waited for the surgeon to come and
talk to us. The police came to question us about what had happened after they
had brought in the two animals that had attacked us. They could not believe one
woman could inflict so much damage to two grown men. Both men were in body
casts. I meekly said when you see someone trying to kill the man you love
survival mode just takes over I guess. The ambulance drivers had not mentioned to the police that Matt and Greg were there.
Doctor Jensen arrived and said we could just have a peek at
Mike as he was heavily sedated and was better to sleep after the long surgery.
After we had all had a look at Mike, I said I would sleep in the chair, as I
was not leaving him here alone. Nothing except a smile from all as they left.
I awoke to moaning and Mike lay looking at me through his black and blue eyes
that he could hardly open. He mumbled out of the side of his mouth about me
being some woman. I knew that he was going to be fine.
Summer arrived. My garden flourished, my canning was
beginning to show the fruits of my labor with rows of delicious looking jars in the pantry. Mike walked without his cane and
came everyday to sit in my garden or kitchen while I worked. I would send Patsy
home daily with fresh vegetables. Mike took most of his meals with me, sitting
on the porch with our glass of wine. He had asked me to marry him saying he
needed me to watch out for him. I think it bothered him that he had not been
the one to protect me, but as I said, I was sure there would be a time for
I was not far off with that remark, as one day we were
sitting out in the garden when a car came down the driveway. Frank
Junior, his hair had greyed and he had aged looking more like his father. Jail had not done anything for his personality. He wore a savage look on his face. His father had passed away a few weeks ago
from a heart attack before Frank had been released from jail. I could see a man
sitting in the driver’s seat, covered with tattoos as Frank got out of the car and started up the
walkway. Mike got up from his chair and told him to stop right there as he was
not welcome here and to turn around and leave if he knew what was good for
Frank said he wanted to talk to me not him, I had gotten up from my chair, and gone inside and came back with my Luger pointing it right at him. I had made a trip in the winter, closed my storage locker and brought my Dad’s old wooden box with his collection of guns.
Frank said he wanted to talk to me not him, I had gotten up from my chair, and gone inside and came back with my Luger pointing it right at him. I had made a trip in the winter, closed my storage locker and brought my Dad’s old wooden box with his collection of guns.
He said he had an offer that he knew that I would not refuse
for my land, as his Daddy was no longer here to mollify me, he was the boss man
now and he wanted my land for the water and grassland. He was not prepared to
take no for an answer. One way or another he was getting this land. I aimed two
inches from his feet and let off a shot, yelling if he wanted to dance he
better start moving, letting off another half an inch from him. His friend got
out and started coming towards us, Frank backed away telling him to get back
into the car.
Mike was surprised to see me with a gun and I told him I had
practiced at a shooting range for years and I felt safer with it than a
rifle. Shaking his head he laughed and
said that when we got married I could not bring it to bed with us.
We married in September. Patsy was my bridesmaid and all Mikes brothers stood proud beside him at the alter. We had two weeks at a seaside resort and sunbathed nude at a deserted beach, getting to know each others bodies. We came home looking like well-roasted coffee beans.
We married in September. Patsy was my bridesmaid and all Mikes brothers stood proud beside him at the alter. We had two weeks at a seaside resort and sunbathed nude at a deserted beach, getting to know each others bodies. We came home looking like well-roasted coffee beans.
Mike wanted to build me a bigger house, he joked there was
no room for a big family in my little farm house. We picked a spot between my
old house and his parents place on a small hill looking over the pastures. We agreed we wanted a log house with four bedrooms, two baths and a big
kitchen for family dinners. He and his brothers would have it finished before
the end of autumn.
More things started to happen and we knew it was at the instigation of Frank. Fences broken, livestock missing and Frank’s men following Patsy
from school. She was leaving school one day and was stopped by a car as she
headed to the bus, told to get in, one man getting out opening the door and she
took off screaming and a teacher who happened to see what was happening came
running and the two drove off. I started picking her up as the Murphys were
putting the final changes on the house and keeping up with both farms, and the
weather was starting to turn. I started to carry a small pistol from my
collection in my handbag when I left the house. I vowed I would not live like
this for much longer as Mike wanted to start a family. I had said not until we had
dealt with Frank and his workers for good.
A plan started to form in my mind and finally the last straw
George and Patsy were
out mending fences. They had ridden their horses. George spotted two men in
the distance riding towards them. He told Patsy to ride towards the trees and
head back to get his brothers. By the time Greg, Jake and Patsy got there,
George’s horse lay dead beside the fence, and they could not see their brother.
Patsy found him lying beside a tree with his body covered in blood, hardly
He died on the way to the hospital. The church was full and all I could see was George jumping out of the old car picking me up at the station. It seemed so long ago. Betty and Bill could hardly walk down the isle, their sons holding them up on each side. Mike and I walked with Patsy who was blaming herself, for leaving George alone. We had told her if she had stayed she would also be dead.
He died on the way to the hospital. The church was full and all I could see was George jumping out of the old car picking me up at the station. It seemed so long ago. Betty and Bill could hardly walk down the isle, their sons holding them up on each side. Mike and I walked with Patsy who was blaming herself, for leaving George alone. We had told her if she had stayed she would also be dead.
Thanksgiving was a week away when I told Mike what we had to
do, his face went white. Those brown eyes looking sad and forlorn. He went
quiet and just sat looking out the window. Getting up and pouring a large
drink and downing it in one swallow, he finally spoke, we needed his brothers
to help if we were going to do it and not be caught. I finally convinced him we
could do this ourselves and not involve anyone else.
Betty was cooking
thanksgiving dinner. That would be the best day to plan our revenge. Mike
and I drove into town and I phoned Frank from the pay phone, telling him Mike
and I were leaving and my farm was his if he wanted it, I would have all the
papers ready for him to sign on Thanksgiving and to come to the farm at ten that morning.
We went over and over what we had to do when Frank arrived, we knew he would probably bring at least one maybe two of his men with him. Mike would cover them and I would be sitting outside with some papers beside me. The weather forecast for tomorrow was sun with cloudy periods. Neither of us slept much and both were up early. I made pies for the dinner to keep busy. Mike had my Luger in his jacket as he paced the yard. I had my small Beretta on the chair covered with a scarf.
Frank was on time and had a smirk on his face. His driver
was laughing at something Frank had just said. Mike went over to the car and
told Frank I was waiting to get this over with. He emerged and the driver
went to get out too but Mike said to stay in the car, this had nothing to do with
him. Frank nodded at him and he stayed where he was. Frank sauntered over to me like a peacock preening himself with satisfaction. He started to
sit down when I pulled my gun and shot him right through the heart. Shock registered on his face. His driver
had no time to react before Mike shot him, almost in a reflex action to hearing my shot. We stared at what we had done in a moment of silence until I picked up the shell casings. We struggled to lift them both into the trunk of Frank’s car.
Mike driving it, me following in our car, we left the farm. I knew Mike's mind was in turmoil at our actions but had reminded him of a lifetime of harassment from these criminals and the death of his cherished brother. My own feelings were simply determination to complete the horrible task. There was no time to reflect on anything but finishing the job.
We drove into the hills about twenty miles south, pulling off the main road, to a spot in the craggy hills Mike knew would be private. Nobody around. All were enjoying this holiday and getting ready for turkey dinner.
We edged the cars into the brush as not to be seen if anyone happened to pass on the road. I got the gas container from our car as Mike pulled Frank's body out of the trunk first. He was having trouble finding the bullet, having to dig with his knife, finally pulled it out with his fingers, setting his jaw at his own grisly actions. He passed it to me.
I gave him a resolute kiss on the cheek and started to sprinkle the gasoline inside the car and over Frank as Mike dug around for the second bullet and lifted the body into the front seat beside Frank.
I emptied the rest of the gas inside the car as Mike threw our gloves into the car along with a book of matches.
We drove into the hills about twenty miles south, pulling off the main road, to a spot in the craggy hills Mike knew would be private. Nobody around. All were enjoying this holiday and getting ready for turkey dinner.
We edged the cars into the brush as not to be seen if anyone happened to pass on the road. I got the gas container from our car as Mike pulled Frank's body out of the trunk first. He was having trouble finding the bullet, having to dig with his knife, finally pulled it out with his fingers, setting his jaw at his own grisly actions. He passed it to me.
I gave him a resolute kiss on the cheek and started to sprinkle the gasoline inside the car and over Frank as Mike dug around for the second bullet and lifted the body into the front seat beside Frank.
I emptied the rest of the gas inside the car as Mike threw our gloves into the car along with a book of matches.

Heading home to shower after we buried the bullets and
casings before going off for turkey dinner with the best family anyone could
ask for.
I thought, now we would all be safe and hoped Mike was thinking the same thing. During dinner our eyes met several times, until Mike finally smiled at me. I knew he was going to be okay.
A knock at the door just as Betty and Patsy were serving my pies. It was the police asking if they could come in and talk. I offered them some coffee and pie, saying I had just baked them this morning.
I thought, now we would all be safe and hoped Mike was thinking the same thing. During dinner our eyes met several times, until Mike finally smiled at me. I knew he was going to be okay.
A knock at the door just as Betty and Patsy were serving my pies. It was the police asking if they could come in and talk. I offered them some coffee and pie, saying I had just baked them this morning.
They asked Mike and I where we were this morning as someone
told them Frank was coming over to our farm to sign papers for the sale of it.
Mike and I both laughed saying our farm was never for sale and someone was
pulling a prank on Frank. Then they told us they had found Franks car and two
bodies inside it burned. They could not confirm it was Frank yet.
All went quiet, Patsy was the first to speak saying she had been over having breakfast with Mike and I, she helped bake pies and I had done her hair before we left for here. Betty asked if they wanted more coffee. Saying no, they said they were sorry to bother us on this holiday dinner but they did suspect murder. No one said a word after the police left, until Mike commented that someone must have finally got to Willard, which caused us all to have grins on our faces.
All went quiet, Patsy was the first to speak saying she had been over having breakfast with Mike and I, she helped bake pies and I had done her hair before we left for here. Betty asked if they wanted more coffee. Saying no, they said they were sorry to bother us on this holiday dinner but they did suspect murder. No one said a word after the police left, until Mike commented that someone must have finally got to Willard, which caused us all to have grins on our faces.
A week later the Willard house and barn burned down. Luckily, all the horses had been in the paddock, which was unusual for this
time of year.
Our baby is due this summer. We are settled in our new
home. Matt and Greg are engaged to two local girls and Jake has started to date
a girl he went to school with. Patsy starts college this year and I have noticed
she gets a ride home from a cute boy. Betty and Bill will surely miss George like
we all do, but I have seen them smiling at each other from across the room.
Reminds me of the picture of my uncle and aunt on our fireplace.
Reminds me of the picture of my uncle and aunt on our fireplace.
At the inquest, they ruled the deaths were through misadventure.
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