Someone was in my house, downstairs the sounds came from
my living room.
I slowly rolled off my bed, wondering why my Airedale had
not barked, he usually slept on the landing by the front door. He did not tolerate
strangers usually had a fit of barking if anyone came even close to the house.
Creeping to the bedroom door, I opened it a crack, there
laying at the door sound asleep was my watchdog. Whoever was in my house had
given Buster something to put him out. I listened and could make out two
different voices that sounded very young and male. They where going through
drawers not being that quiet as they went. I could see shadows as they moved
around the room with a big plastic bag half-full.
Going over to the table, I went to dial the police no
dial tone, maybe they were young but not stupid. My cell was charging so I dialed 911 told the operator my address, giving them a brief explanation of
what was going on. She said a car was on its way.
Locking my bedroom door I quickly put on some clothes, ,
I would let the police deal with these two. Then I heard footsteps climbing the
stairway, my bedroom was the last door on the landing as they opened up the
other two rooms I could hear the sirens in the distance. More whispering, as
they ran downstairs. As the police car stopped, the two where caught in the
headlights I opened the door in time to see the two handcuffed and put into the
My bag of stuff brought back inside. Buster started to
move looking up with a guilty look as much as to say what happened. I guess I
better feed him more.
The boys where charged with break and entering and
remanded to juvenile detention and would come before a judge in a week.
Two phone calls came the next day from both the boys
fathers who where well known in our community and very well off. The rude one I
hung up on as he started by telling me his son was a good boy who he was and
what harassment he could cause me, if I testified against his son. The second
one was a smooth operator asking me if I would meet him for lunch at his
office. I declined.
As I sat in court two suits arrived with two lawyers
each, they had tried many times over the week to intimidate me with phone
calls. The police had told me the two boys had been in trouble many times and
the fathers always got the charges dropped.
The police had asked me to come and tell the judge what
had gone on and about them giving my dog something to put him to sleep. Buster
had to have his stomach pumped by the vet.
A women judge sentenced them both to six months in
juvenile detention after I had told her what had gone on that night. As I was
leaving, the two fathers passed one bumping me whispering I had not heard the
last of him. The other one just glared as he and his wife hurried out the door.

Looking out nobody was in the street a light went on
across the way and a man peered out his window from behind his drapes. I could
hear a siren close someone had phoned for them I assumed. As the police pulled
up the lights in the neighborhood started to come on.
They asked if I had any enemies, telling them only two
giving them the father’s names and relaying what had happened in court. One of
the older cops shook his head saying I sure knew how to pick my enemies.
A week passed, I
was called into my boss’s office he looked very unhappy. He asked me what was
going on as he just got off the phone from a client that spent mega bucks on
advertising with us and he said if I was not fired he would pull all
advertising with us now and in the future.
He had to let me go, as the company could not afford to lose this client. Mr.
Mega bucks was not going to let up. I had worked for this company for five
years that did not seem to mean anything. I stormed out of the office saying I
would see him in court for wrongful dismissal.
The sun was just setting as I walked home from work, as I
turned my corner I could see a crowd beside my yard, my door had been spray
painted with graffiti, calling me a liar and prostitute. One of my neighbors
came towards me telling me she had already called the police when she saw two
young men leaving my yard, unfortunately she could not see their license plate
number. However she, thought the color was blue or black, apologizing her
eyesight was not that good.
Another report filled out, the police could not question
the fathers they had no evidence that they were responsible. Both having high priced
lawyers they had to tread lightly, they looked for fingerprints on the door and
porch. I told them that would be waste of time, as they would not do it
themselves. The young cop told me they would send a car passed regularly and to
call them if needed.
Buster greeted me jumping up then out the door for a
piddle, sniffing around as he went down the stairs. I was afraid to leave him
outside alone in case they poisoned him again. Putting him on his lead I walked
to the paint store, tomorrow I would have to spend my day painting my door.
That night the phone kept ringing until I pulled the jack
from the wall, then my cell phone started, I had an unlisted number on both
phones but I guess people with influence could get them. I called the police to
see if they could trace my calls, they told me they would get back to me.
I was up early put on old clothes and started to stir the
paint on my porch when a dark car drove by slowly two male bodies inside, a
hand came out the window pointing fingers like a gun when I went down my stairs
to get a look at their license plate they sped up rounding the corner quickly.
My neighbor came over handing me a piece of paper with numbers written on it.
She had gotten the last digits and I had seen the first three numbers, I had
them! I called the numbers into the station, explaining what just happened.
That night I sat on my porch in the shadows of my trees
with Buster at my side told him to sit. He occasionally heeded me. There was a
chill in the breeze, I had prepared with a large warm sweater and a blanket
around my knees. It was not long before the same car rounded the corner, with
no headlights on. Buster moved but I told him to sit or he would be put inside,
looking up his head went down he was going to sulk.
The car pulled over to the curb, the door if you were not
listening you would miss it being shut. Footsteps came towards my gate, Buster
growled I put my hand over his mouth he stayed quiet. They both reached the bottom step as I took
off the safety on my gun they both reacted, as they knew what the sound was, I
told them to get down on their knees and let Buster growl. They both look
terrified as I told Buster to guard, he knew exactly what that meant from his
dog training.
I told them it could be easy or hard whichever they
chose, I wanted to know the names of who has sent them if they did not tell me
then they would be missing a private part that they would need in their future.
Telling them the police had their plate number, it took all of two minutes
before I had the names of the fathers of the boys. I had 911 on speed dial, it
only took the police a short time to get there, they had their confessions and
where arrested and taken away to the station.
Both the fathers were picked up had their lawyers and
denied even knowing the two. They had recorded the conversations with the father’s
to make sure they would be paid the lawyers were over heard saying how stupid
can you two be.
The judge threw the book at both of them with a huge fine
and community service for the next year, the embarrassment of that would affect
them more than the fine.
My old boss phoned to offer me my job back, my lawyer
thought I would get a settlement of twenty thousand dollars, as I was one of
the top sales people. All I said was I would see him in court unless he wanted
to save court cost and settle.
Buster got a big bone
I love how powerful you depict women! They fight when they need to and don't allow anyone to take advantage of them! You don't allow them to be a victim, turning their predator into the one who is looking over their shoulder!