I could only
see a few yards in front of me as the rain pelted against my windshield, the ominous
clouds could not have been any darker making it nearly impossible to see to
drive. The highway only had two lanes with curves plus a steep drop off if you
went over the edge, landing you in the river below. The swift current would
have a car disappear completely in seconds.
I should not
have started out tonight as the forecast had warnings the road conditions were
a danger with the storm reaching very high winds. Stubborn me wanted to get a
head start on my vacation. I had only a week off planning to get to my cabin in
the mountains to have as much time relaxing as I could.
Rounding a
curve a silhouette of a body showed in my headlights, it was hard to make out
if it was a person bent over or an animal, slamming on my brakes I skidded, stopping
just before reaching it.
A man stood
before my window, with a bundle in his arms, first I thought it was a baby
until I opened the door to see a dog wrapped in a jacket assuming it was his as
he only had a shirt on. Opening the back door of my car, he laid the wet coat with
the dog on my new tan leather seat. Getting out and fetching a clean blanket
from my trunk asking him to lift the dog while I slipped the dry one on my seat.
All I got was a grunt.
He got into
the drivers side without a word, I was speechless finally getting my voice to
say I drive my own car and for him to get either in the back with his dog or
the passenger seat. Starting up my car, he said if I wanted to stay here, it
was fine with him as he put it into drive. Having no choice I jumped in soaking
wet, my car seats would be ruined for sure.
I wanted to
know why he was out here on such a terrible night that is when he said his car
crashed into a barrier giving him and his dog time to jump before it went head
first down the cliff. I told him he had a nerve to think he was a better driver
than I was at least I stopped in time before I hit him.
He wanted to
know where I was headed some second sense told me not to tell him so I said I
was visiting friends in the next town. Another grunt before asking me who they
were, I snapped back it was none of his business and to stop at the nearest
place that he could get help to carry on his trip, he had not given me any
information about himself.
The rain had
let up some and I could see a slight dim of lights a mile or so away. Telling
him to stop when we reached the town, all I got was another grunt. I turned on
my radio all that came through was static in the mountains. Turning on my cell
phone there was no reception either.
Before we
reached town he drove off the main road into a narrow dirt road, I would have
missed it as the overgrown trees hid the entrance. I could see a light down the
roadway. I was starting to worry was he taking me to his place to be dropped
off then I could be on my way or did he have another reason. Was he a rapist or
a killer?
As soon as
the car stopped, he let the dog out and gave him some command that I did not
understand the dog stood erect waiting at my door. Leaning over quickly I
locked all doors before he had a chance to know what happened. His face showed
surprise then a loud laugh as he dangled my keys at the window.
towards a rundown cabin, the light I had seen was from a porch, his only
comment was I could sleep out here or in his warm bed with him. This man was a
lunatic, how could I get away with the dog staring at me through the window.
My plan for a
relaxing holiday was disappearing quickly. The rain was just a drizzle on the
trees, he had started a fire as smoke arose from the chimney. Would the dog be
friendly if I fed him my chocolate that was in the glove compartment,
remembering that dogs got sick or died eating chocolate, did I have enough?
Climbing into
the back, I opened my trunk digging for a few things that probably would help
get me out of here in one piece. The dog watched every move as I threw him a
large bar of my favorite chocolate, he sniffed then it went down his throat in
one piece, waiting until he digested it, the next one went out the window, the
third and forth I was so glad that I had a sweet tooth. He lay still after the
forth one. I waited.

I ducked into
the bush but he had seen me, he jumped out yelling I would pay for hurting his
dog and came crashing through the trees towards me. The rain had started again,
pelting heavily as my feet sunk into the soft wet ground, I headed farther into
the thickness of trees, and many logs had fallen small mice scurried over and
around them. My foot caught on a branch that lay beside a large log I went head
first banging my head making far too much noise even with the wind rustling the
trees. Thunder roared above then lightening lit up the area, I could see him,
looking around wondering which way I had gone, I stayed down behind the log
hoping he would go in the opposite direction. No luck I could hear his heavy
boots coming closer stopping to listen every few steps he took. He had a long
handled rifle in his arm, I was sure he would shoot to kill and bury me out
here among the trees.
My eyes
adjusted to the darkness after the lightning had lit the sky, his must have had
the same effect as he walked so close
his foot brushed against my hip as he passed muttering under his breath as I
held mine. Reaching for my gun it must have fallen out of my pocket when I tripped,
as I knew it had been there before I went down.
He had kept
walking away from me deeper into the bush, I started feeling around for my gun
in the wet leaves, hoping to feel the barrel against my fingers. His boots got
closer, so close I could smell his odor as he stopped not making a sound, he
knew or had heard me and was trying to figure out just where I was. I could
feel movement under me a snake slithered under the log. At least I thought it
was a snake I had a fear of all slithering creatures. Holding,a groan back in
my throat.
“Come out,
come out wherever you are” he chanted as the thunder roared once again. Praying
no lightning exploded, if he saw me he would shoot, and I could not even move
my hands to look for my weapon. Shouting over the thunder, he kept repeating he
was the cat and I was the mouse and he would get me. My body was soaking wet as I lay trying to
hold my breath, shivering I was sure he would hear, I pulled my jacket up over
my mouth.
How long would
he stay and look for me, he must be soaked through too. Thunder roared then a
strike of lighting hitting a tree as it crashed down he ran for cover, he was
not fast enough as his leg was caught under the heaviest part of the trunk. A
loud scream vibrated in the quietness of the forest and then a low groaning.
Peeking over the log all I could see was part his mangled leg as lightening
again lit up the area. This gave me time to spot my gun laying a few feet away
from foot.
moving my body, I peeked up over the log. He saw the movement immediately,
lifting his rifle to aim he got off a spray of bullets, this man was not giving
up even if he could not walk. He had shot ten rounds that I counted he had
another five to go if it was a Winchester that I saw. It certainly looked like
the same kind as my Dad had. My head down I inched down the log, picking up a piece
of bark throwing it as far as I could laying down. Another two shots rang out.
He had at least three maybe more bullets left.
Circling as
silently on my stomach I made my way around behind him trying not to make any noise
as I went. Coming up behind him, I swept his rifle out of his arm with my foot.
He stared, not saying a word, looking down at his leg that had started to
bleed. He knew if I did not get him help and left him here, animals would start
to feed on him. I emptied his rifle putting three bullets in my pocket, turned
and walked to my car.
My car was
sitting only a few feet from where I exited the bush, running I jumped in to
find no keys in the ignition. I search the seat, the visor nothing, He had
taken them with him, I had to go back and get them from him. Rain and wind
seemed to increase out here on the road, Picking up a piece of a tree branch I
headed back into the forest, wondering if I could find my way back to where my
predator lay. Searching I could not see him I was sure I had the right place,
he was not there but I could see where he had laid, a hole under the tree instead
of his body. He had dug the wet ground and gotten his leg loose.
I heard him
before he appeared in front of me, too late to run he came at me swearing, he
was charging his one leg dragging, it did not seem to slow him down any. I
swung the tree branch at his face, he grabbed my arm throwing me to the ground.
Reaching I pulled my gun from my pocket firing two shots with him against me, he
went down on his knees his look of surprise showed as he went down in the mud
face first. I shot him again to make sure he was dead, waiting I saw no
movement on his splayed body.
Searching his
pockets, I heard keys jingle, no pulse he would not bother any other woman
again. Rushing to my car I stopped thought a moment, I had waited too long for
my holiday to have the police at my door. I had to go back to get my shell
casings, the third shot in his back showed he was murdered.
Standing over him,
I saw his knife in his belt bending over his still warm body I shivered and dug out the one in his back. Turning him over I sliced into his chest removing the other two bullets. His blood oozed onto the ground.
Picking up the shell casing I put them, his
knife my bullets in my pant pocket. His body would not be found for a while in
this weather, by that time the rain would have washed footprint and any other
evidence away.
I headed to
my car, I could still get to my cabin before breakfast to start my holiday.