I went to bed early, fell asleep when my head hit the pillow
and plunged into a dream sleep of a warm place.
My subconscious mind heard a click, and I wondered what the
noise was? My body tightened as I felt a slight breeze over my face.

Someone was on my patio waiting very quietly to make sure I
was still sleeping. Was my imagination playing mind tricks or did I see a dark
shape move. I was wide-awake now and started to tremble.
My hand inched towards my bedside drawer. I faked a snore to
cover my movement to the drawer. Another scrape as the door slid opened further
allowing the breeze to ruffle the curtain. I felt for my gun and I slowly
picked it up and clicked the safety off.
Whoever was there must have heard me as the door burst
open with a crash and a tall dark movement was coming straight at me. I could now hear his
breathing, My instincts took over.Taking aim at the dark figure who was just about upon me, so close I could smell his rancid breath. I
pulled the trigger.
The bang woke me up. Was it a car backfiring out on the street?
Or was it a gun shot?