I had not had a date in six months. To make matters worse
the last few had been duds.
Some of my girlfriends had tried dating services and a few
had connected. I filled out the questionnaire as honestly as I could. I refused
to say I enjoyed long romantic walks and candlelight dinners.
I said I like sports, windsurfing and long hikes in rough
terrain. When I did exercise, I like to make it worthwhile and to sweat for a
few hours in the workout. I did not add that to my bio though. Or that I came
first in my class at the shooting range. After reading it over changing a few
things, I pressed send and went to bed.
My Sundays are usually sitting out on my patio reading the
newspaper drinking coffee and having a leisurely breakfast. As I finished my
second cup my computer chirped and viola there were three messages. Opening the
first one was a picture of a grey haired man who must have been over seventy with a
paunch and double chin. He told me he would love to meet for a drink and
discuss where to go from here. I just could not picture him hiking or
windsurfing, but he did say he had season tickets for hockey and football.
Next came a skinny balding man, I could picture him holding
on for dear life as the wind swept him and his surfboard away into the sunset.
As I went to click on the next one three more chirps sounded. So cautiously
opening the third, a pair of handsome dark eyes stared back with the sexiest
grin I had witnessed in a long time. I left the other three without opening them,
those piercing slate dark grey eyes intrigued me.
His bio read like a self-confident man, he had a boat, loved
to water ski, had a summer place in the mountains on a lake with challenging trails to
explore and was an ex basketball player. Sounding too good to be true but I
answered back and suggested we meet for a coffee in the local village. He
answered quickly, suggesting later on that afternoon. I did not want to
seem to have no plans on a Sunday so suggested next Saturday
afternoon. He answered yes that would be just fine.
My week was hectic with work so the time flew past.
As I dressed to meet him, my stomach felt like I was a teenager going out on my
first date. I wore a casual summer dress that I had bought for the
occasion. Simple but did show my well-tanned skin and figure off. I applied
little makeup and let my hair flow down my back.
When I arrived, he was sitting with his coffee talking to
the server, when he saw me he smiled and got up to meet me. He was as handsome
as his picture and his eyes bore right through me. We talked what
seemed like hours when he looked down at his watch and suggested we walk over
to the pub and have a drink, as he had to leave in an hour.
I was disappointed as I thought we might spend some more
time as we seemed to be hitting it off. He apologized saying he had a previous
engagement that he could not get out of but could we meet tomorrow and drive up
to the mountains for a hike by his cabin? And he would bring a picnic to have
after our hike. I hesitated.
Did I want to go with this stranger before I had gotten to know more about him? He laughed at my hesitation and promised he was a trustworthy person. I could even phone his mother and ask her. So I said yes and he told me he would pick me up at nine in the morning and he was gone without our drink at the pub.
Did I want to go with this stranger before I had gotten to know more about him? He laughed at my hesitation and promised he was a trustworthy person. I could even phone his mother and ask her. So I said yes and he told me he would pick me up at nine in the morning and he was gone without our drink at the pub.
Looking around for
the waitress to fill my cup she must have gone off duty as a young man came
towards me with a refill. I enjoyed the late sun and then headed home.
I was awake at six sitting enjoying the Sunday Times with my
second cup reading about a women found dead less than twenty miles away. She was
raped, strangled with her blouse, her body slashed with knife wounds. Police
had not identified her yet. As I looked at her picture, my first reaction was to think I
had seen her before.
Mike was right on time. I had my hiking backpack ready and
put it in his back seat. He had the top down and two coffees sitting between
us. As we headed out on to the highway, I noticed he had a bandage on his right
wrist that had not been there yesterday. He saw me look at it and laughing he
told me he had been cooking for his Mom last night and had cut it slicing the
The breeze was cooling some as we came closer to the
mountains. He parked beside a cabin nestled between pine trees and I could see a
beautiful blue, green lake with a wharf and a small speedboat swaying in the
gentle wind. It was so serene and tranquil, I was glad I had accepted his
We headed off after
he had taken the ice chest inside. Mike thought of everything as he helped me with
my backpack, offering to carry them both. I adjusted mine and headed off at a
fast pace, him close behind. We had walked chatting for over an hour until we
started to climb a steep grade for the next half hour or so. As we reached the
top of a peak the vista was surreal, so many shades of green yellow and orange.
I had to take some pictures. I clicked away and went to take one of him as he turned away just as I clicked. Saying we, should head back before we starved to death! The climb down was much easier and as we came towards the cabin, I thought I saw an animal on the porch diving under the brush, as we got closer. Mike said the raccoons were many in these parts.
I had to take some pictures. I clicked away and went to take one of him as he turned away just as I clicked. Saying we, should head back before we starved to death! The climb down was much easier and as we came towards the cabin, I thought I saw an animal on the porch diving under the brush, as we got closer. Mike said the raccoons were many in these parts.
As we ate our lunch, he mentioned that he had never been so
taken by anyone as much as he was with me. He asked many questions about my life
and my friends. He wanted to know everything about me. When I asked about him
he just said he lead a boring life.
I was clearing up the last of lunch when he went to fill my
glass with more wine, I went to put my hand over saying I had enough. It was suddenly as
if he was a different person, telling me he would say when I had enough and
told me to drink up. His eyes seemed to go darker and fill with rage. I was shocked at his instant change. I picked
up my bag and asked where the bathroom was, trying not to show any fear even though it
had started to seethe through my being. When I locked the door, I was shaking
wondering how I was going to get out of here.

Then it hit me, the girl in the paper was the waitress who had
served us coffee. Had he done this to her? I slowly squirmed around to face him on
the couch, wriggling my fingers into my bag and positioning myself to spring backward as I sunk my knife deep into his leg. He let out a scream as blood flowed
down his bare leg. He tried to grab me as I jumped up, yelling and ranting. Following me out the door. My backpack swinging with the door as I
ran. No keys in his car.
I sprinted into the bush and kept running. I stopped to grab
something out of my bag then threw it into the bush as not to hold me back. I
could hear branches being broken and zigzagged to throw him off from the
direction that I was going.
He was swearing at me, yelling that when he caught
me, I would regret using a knife on him as he had a larger one to use on me.
Nobody even my family would recognize me after he was finished. And no one heard anything in these woods! He seemed to be
gaining, looking around to see how close he was I tripped and fell, jumped up
and dived into a maze of fallen branches near a dead tree that was
covered by hanging mosses. I shrunk into a ball.
Waiting for his footsteps. I held my breath and to my surprise,
none came. He was listening for me. Then the sound of a branch breaking, he was
very near moving slowly as if he knew I was hiding. Should I out wait him? Would he pass without finding me or should I run like hell hoping he could not keep up.
His leg must be bleeding and hurting as I had plunged the knife deep hoping I
had hit a vital spot.

I went through his pockets finding his car keys and headed
back towards the cabin picking up my backpack on the way. There was no phone
reception so I climbed into his car and heading home, trying to calm
myself as I drove. I phoned the police and told them where they could find the
man that had killed the girl and what had happened to me.
The older paunchy man with the season’s tickets was a safer
bet for now. Hockey and hot dogs with a septuagenarian didn't seem threatening at all.
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