I believe every dream has a meaning and we can learn from
each one if we choose to try.
I was walking the trails in the park near home, a slight
rain had started, and the surrounding trees protected me from the light
drizzle. The air was fresh and I could smell the scent from the mixture of

Was she being molested and needed help?
Quietly and slowly I
retraced my steps towards the sound.
A small man with a knife bent over this woman was cutting away her blouse. He had her hands tied above her head. She whimpered, pleading for him to stop. The knife was at her throat as he started to move down her body tantalizing this poor women stopping at her chest. Blood seeped from her blouse.
A small man with a knife bent over this woman was cutting away her blouse. He had her hands tied above her head. She whimpered, pleading for him to stop. The knife was at her throat as he started to move down her body tantalizing this poor women stopping at her chest. Blood seeped from her blouse.
I looked around
for something I could hit him with and found a tree branch. As I reached for it, I
tripped falling backwards. He heard me and came rushing at me with his
knife using slashing motions. Hatred on his face. I rolled to my side and as he neared, I
lashed out with the branch hitting him on his face, he fell backward and I kept hitting him until he lay still.
I ran to the women, untying her as I spoke softly that she
was going to be all right. Her brown eyes flashed wide with fear as she started to
get up. She stumbled, I held her as she sat and began to shake. I took
off my jacket covering her up and put my scarf over her wound to try to stop
the bleeding.
The man started to stir so I went back smacking him hard,
he was going to have a headache tomorrow.
I called the police, told them where we were and to bring
an ambulance. If he stirred again he was going to need one.
She had met this man on the internet. Said he seemed nice
when he came to meet her. Then suggested they have a quiet walk in the
I woke as my alarm rang.
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